Our Events

We have recently been holding fundraising events to help fund the repair and rebuild project of the Church building of which we were successful in gaining a Heritage Lottery Funded (HLF) grant. This building work briefly comprised of renewing the roof over the nave area both upper and lower sections. Some pews have been removed at the rear of the Church to create more space and floors have been levelled.
We have formed a team to help generate ideas and organise events to support this building programme and we have been well supported by the local community with our efforts. It is felt that with the successful fundraising events raised by our Events Team that this will continue after the current work programme is complete.
In addition to these essential repairs, the HLF grant will support a programme of activities to engage more fully the community and visitors in the Church’s Heritage. The HLF grant is very generous but the PCC is still required to contribute to the programme, a sum which cannot be met from existing Church reserves.
Some of the events held over the years have included, a very successful series of Flower Festivals held during August over a number of years. We have also had Gala Dinners, Race Nights, Family Fun Days and Ceilidh Dances. The events have not always been simply fundraising events, but have also been opportunities to help people socialise.