We were joined by the Cubs at the Light House Service. They showed us their badges and certificates. Some of them are moving on to Scouts. They have worked really hard enjoying, camping, canoeing and raft building. We are really proud of you all, well done. What a great bunch of young lads
Category: Church News
Wave of Prayer Service
We recently held our Wave of Prayer Service in Church. It is an annual service where all Mothers’ Union members worldwide are remembered along with all the valuable work they do with families everywhere. MULOA refers to the theme for 2019 which is Mothers’ Union Listens, Observes and Acts.
Dignity and Hope
The Bishop of Blackburn’s Harvest appeal for 2019 was entitled ” Dignity and Hope”. As we celebrated God’s good gifts at our Harvest church service donating to our local food banks we will try to help others do the same. Generosity from all churches in the diocese at Harvest time went to help the people...
Harvest Sunday
Following our monthly Lighthouse Service, we will be having a Bring and Share Picnic. Bring your own Picnic and a little extra to share. A gift for the food bank would be welcome. See you on Sunday 6th October 10 am Lighthouse service.
Messy Praise
On Saturday 14 th September we held another Messy Praise event for young children. We had a fun time singing action songs and making lots of noise with tambourines, bells and shakers. The theme for the morning was ‘Superheroes’. In our craft activity we made Superheroes masks. We thought about our own Superheroes and Graham...
October Events
Don’t miss these October events/services coming up… Gift Day 5th October 10am – 3pm Time for reflection and prayer. Tea, Coffee and biscuits will be served. Rev Graham, Joyce and Bill will be in church to receive your gifts, stay and chat, enjoy a cup of tea/coffee...
Rev Graham Birch’s Induction
We welcomed our new Vicar the Rev Graham Birch on Monday 1st July. The induction was conducted by the Bishop of Burnley Philip John North. The service was attended by many local clergy, parishioners from Graham’s previous parish and his wife Jacqui. Many of Graham’s family and friends also attended. A number of local...
Summer Church Open Days
The Church will be open on Saturdays for visitors during June, July and August. Times: 11.00am-1.00pm and 1.00pm-3.00pm Excludes: Saturdays 27th July, 3rd August and 10th August.
Mothers Union
We recently hosted the Mothers’ Union Deanery Festival which was a great success. Our sister branches in the Deanery came to join us for a communion service. The service started with a procession of the branch banners and several long service awards were also presented. After the service we all enjoyed the refreshments and a...