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Face Coverings in Church

Face Coverings in Church

As the wearing of face coverings in public spaces such as shops becomes mandatory, the Church of England has released updated advice this afternoon which can be found here.   They have chosen to highlight the following paragraph:   We strongly advise that face coverings should be worn by all those attending a place of...

Church Opening Info

Church Opening Info

1. Initial Opening times will be as below but we can adjust them as necessary.   Sun/Mon/Wed/Fri 10.00am – 11.00am; Tues/Sat 2.00pm – 3.00pm Thurs 6.00pm – 7.00pm I will be there each time to open/close the Church each day and, as soon as people leave their pew I will spray/clean the area. Jacqui and...

Vicar’s Viral Videos

Vicar’s Viral Videos

During this difficult time of self-isolation, our vicar Graham has decided to produce regular videos on Wednesdays and Sundays, when we would normally have our services. The format for the videos may change but will include a reading of a bible passage and short reflection, a time of prayer or a news slot. Please email...

Lighthouse Service and Lent

Lighthouse Service and Lent

At the Lighthouse service this month the children were given an insight into what the period of Lent means by our vicar Graham. They were asked to look at their individual weekly contribution, by cutting out the above clock template,  giving some of their time each week to what they could do during Lent. The...

Valentine’s Messy Praise

Valentine’s Messy Praise

We had a Valentine’s theme for this month’s Messy Praise held in church on Saturday morning 10-12am.   The boys and girls enjoyed hearing from Graham about why we share Valentine’s Day with our loved ones but also how God loves us all whatever the day is. We can also show our love to people...

St Christopher’s Choir

St Christopher’s Choir

On Friday 7th February, we were entertained by the wonderful choir and band from St.Christopher’s Secondary School Accrington. The choir performed throughout the first half of the evening finishing with songs from Bob Chilcot and John Rutter. The jazz band gave us some great tunes through the second part of the evening. It was a...

Mother’s Union – February

Mother’s Union – February

The speaker for our February meeting needed no introduction and didn’t have to travel very far either. It was Reverend Graham Birch.   Graham talked to us about his life, his work, his family and how he was called to the ministry. It was a very light hearted talk and we certainly learned things about...