Worship and Celebrate
Sundays at 8.30 am (for 45 minutes)
Breakfast Church
Sundays at 10.00 am (for 60–75 minutes)
A less formal service for all ages with a sermon and a mix of traditional and modern hymns, songs, and Communion music.
On the 3rd Satuday of each month is Saturday Night Mix at Bank Mill Centre with games, challenges, fun and food. Once a month, usually on the 1st Sunday, we have Lighthouse, a service without Holy Communion.
There are “church bags” for younger children, to help them feel involved, and a crèche for when they need a break. Children and young people are welcome any Sunday.
Our services generally using follow the C of E’s modern language pattern (“Order 1”)
Wednesdays at 10.00 am (for 40 minutes)
Quiet Communion Similar to Sunday, but with coffee afterwards. Every 2-3 weeks (in term time) a class from one of our schools attends and we use a simplified service.
Special Services
We arrange evening services (normally at 6pm) in various styles about once a month and to mark key Christian festivals. This includes services of Evening Prayer and Holy Communion using the traditional Book of Common Prayer. We also join with the other churches in Great Harwood for special services arranged by Churches Together.
Transport to Church We are delighted to arrange transport for those unable to reach church unaided. Please contact the Parish Office.
The Church is now open for worship at
10.00am every Sunday and Wednesday
for Holy Communion